From Sun to Snow: Mastering the Art of Seasonal Wardrobe Switcharoo

It's that time of year again – the leaves are falling, pumpkin spice lattes are in hand, and my summer wardrobe is sulking in the closet, begging for one last beach day. But fear not, because today, I'm here to show you how to turn your summer-to-autumn fashion transition into a dazzling winter wardrobe transformation with the expert help of stylist extraordinaire Molly Haylor – I’m about to dive headfirst into a fashion adventure.

There are few people more qualified than Molly to quiz about all things fashion. She is a Fashion Stylist and Creative Consultant and currently the Style Director of Grazia Magazine. She has even – wait for it – worked at American Vogue and W Magazine.

As well as an incredible talent, she’s also one of my best friends, after hitting it off when I met her during her time at ELLE Magazine. So trust me when I say, you’re in good hands with Molly.


LPD: What's the scoop on the winter fashion scene, and how can you jazz up your wardrobe with these hot trends?

MH: Picture this: winter fashion, but make it classy and understated – that's the name of the game this season. We're talking about ditching the loud logos and in-your-face designer prints. Instead, embrace the elegance of quiet luxury. Think of well-tailored jeans, long, flowing coats, and cashmere jumpers that scream Jennifer Lawrence's off-duty chic vibes. It's like the fashion equivalent of a well-aged bottle of wine – timeless and sophisticated. I'm telling you, even Lisa (yes, the Lisa we all know and love) should hop on this trend train for its enduring appeal.


LPD: Alright, spill the beans! How can we tackle the challenge of storing our summer clothes to make way for the winter wonders?

MH: You know what's a lifesaver in this situation? Clear packaging cases that slip under your bed or cosy up at the bottom of your wardrobe. But here's the real secret sauce: roll up those summer pieces and vacuum-seal them into oblivion. And don't forget to slap a note card on top of each bag, listing what's inside, like "Pink strapless dress" or "beach stripe top." That way, when you're digging for that one perfect piece, it won’t be like finding a needle in a haystack.


LPD: What's the lowdown on must-have winter wardrobe essentials?

MH: Uniqlo HeatTech thermals for the win! They're like fashion's best-kept secret. Thin enough to slip under any outfit without causing a ruckus, they're a winter warrior's dream.


LPD: What are the top-notch fabrics to embrace during the frosty months.

MH: When it's cold outside, opt for the heavyweight champions: heavy silk and brushed cotton. Why, you ask? Well, they're basically wrinkle-resistant and anti-static. There's nothing worse than unzipping your coat, only to find your outfit's gone all crumpled and clingy.


LPD: Winter wouldn't be complete without some fab accessories. What should we be on the lookout for?

MH: A cashmere or knitted bandana – instant winter wardrobe upgrade! I practically live in my grey one from Extreme Cashmere. It's like a warm, stylish hug for your outfit.


LPD: Any fashion faux pas to watch out for when making the winter wardrobe transition?

MH: Before you stow away those lightweight layered coats in haste, remember that early October weather can be a trickster. And speaking of tricks, summer dresses can transform into winter wonders. Just throw them over a turtleneck, pair them with high boots, and top it all off with a long coat. Voila! You've just turned summer into your fashion muse.


LPD: Who's your ultimate winter dressing inspiration?

MH: Oh, I've got a list! Jennifer Lawrence, Sienna Miller, Adwoa Aboah, Kendall (annoyingly chic), and Zoe Kravitz. They make winter dressing look like a walk in the park.


LPD: Share your shopping secrets. Where can we find winter fashion gems that won't break the bank?

MH: Hush just got a makeover, and I'm loving their new look. Jigsaw, M&S, and Nobodies Child are also top picks for those budget-friendly winter fashion finds.


Thanks Mols, your expertise and fab fashion knowledge have been beyond helpful. I’m off to find something understated. JK, sequins for life.


Lisa xx


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